Whether you are learning or teaching English, it is important to know about learning styles. Here is a list of various learning styles, can you spot which style suits you the most?
1. A visual learner learns best by seeing.
2. An auditory learner learns best by hearing.
3. A kinaesthetic learner learns best when able to move around.
4. A group learner learns best by working with other students.
5. An individual learner learns best by working alone.
6. A reflective learner learns best when given time to think about choices.
7. An impulsive learner learns best when able to respond immediately.
8. An analytic learner learns best by studying rules.
9. A social learner learns best by interacting with other people.
Note that learning styles are not necessarily age related. A learner of any age could have any learning
style. Further, learning styles are not mutually exclusive. A learner may have a strong preference for one style but many learners have a combination.